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Publication of the data relative to relations between companies and doctors: Responsible Transparency.

Since 30th of June 2024 on our site is available the data relative to the collaboration of ABIOGEN PHARMA SPA in 2023 with Health Operators (HCPs), Health Organizations (HCOs) and the data relative to Research and Development (R&D).

With the publication of this data the pharmaceutical companies have chosen total transparency, a choice they have made with full conviction, adopting Farmindustria’s Code on Disclosure for the fulfillment of the EFPIA Code (European Federation of Farmaceutical Associations and Industries).

The collaboration, now consolidated and well regulated, between pharmaceutical companies and doctors is divided into various activities:

  1. The research and development of new drugs through clinical studies carried out in hospitals, in universities and in public and private health structures;
  2. Scientific consultancy;
  3. Scientific seminars and conferences that offer information and update;
  4. Support to ECM (continuous education in medicine) congresses and courses, organized by public organizations, universities, scientific companies and ECD-accredited providers.

The exchange of knowledge between companies and doctors, with its wealth of knowledge and experiences on the field, allows to gather information useful for research and development and, therefore, to have at one’s disposal drugs that are increasingly effective in meeting the health requirements of patients.

These relations, besides being disciplined by national and international regulations, are founded on the mutual respect of roles, in a transparent picture of Farmindustria practice rules involving rigorous controls carried out according to specific procedures by third bodies headed by magistrates appointed by the President of the Court of Cassation.

You may access the data – published by fully respecting the Italian law on privacy – relative to the single professionals who have signed their consent and, collectively, to all the others.